User API


class xesmf.frontend.Regridder(ds_in, ds_out, method, locstream_in=False, locstream_out=False, periodic=False, parallel=False, **kwargs)
__init__(ds_in, ds_out, method, locstream_in=False, locstream_out=False, periodic=False, parallel=False, **kwargs)

Make xESMF regridder

ds_in, ds_outxarray Dataset, DataArray, or dictionary

Contain input and output grid coordinates. All variables that the cf-xarray accessor understand are accepted. Otherwise, look for lon, lat, optionally lon_b, lat_b for conservative methods, and mask. Note that for mask, the ESMF convention is used, where masked values are identified by 0, and non-masked values by 1.

For conservative methods, if bounds are not present, they will be computed using cf-xarray (only 1D coordinates are currently supported).

Shape can be 1D (n_lon,) and (n_lat,) for rectilinear grids, or 2D (n_y, n_x) for general curvilinear grids. Shape of bounds should be (n+1,) or (n_y+1, n_x+1). CF-bounds (shape (n, 2) or (n, m, 4)) are also accepted if they are accessible through the cf-xarray accessor.

If either dataset includes a 2d mask variable, that will also be used to inform the regridding.

If DataArrays are passed, the are simply converted to Datasets.


Regridding method. Options are

  • ‘bilinear’

  • ‘conservative’, need grid corner information

  • ‘conservative_normed’, need grid corner information

  • ‘patch’

  • ‘nearest_s2d’

  • ‘nearest_d2s’

periodicbool, optional

Periodic in longitude? Default to False. Only useful for global grids with non-conservative regridding. Will be forced to False for conservative regridding.

parallelbool, optional

Compute the weights in parallel with Dask. Default to False. If True, weights are computed in parallel with Dask on subsets of the output grid using chunks of the output grid.

filenamestr, optional

Name for the weight file. The default naming scheme is:



reuse_weightsbool, optional

Whether to read existing weight file to save computing time. False by default (i.e. re-compute, not reuse).

extrap_methodstr, optional

Extrapolation method. Options are

  • ‘inverse_dist’

  • ‘nearest_s2d’

extrap_dist_exponentfloat, optional

The exponent to raise the distance to when calculating weights for the extrapolation method. If none are specified, defaults to 2.0

extrap_num_src_pntsint, optional

The number of source points to use for the extrapolation methods that use more than one source point. If none are specified, defaults to 8

weightsNone, coo_matrix, dict, str, Dataset, Path,
Regridding weights, stored as
  • a scipy.sparse COO matrix,

  • a dictionary with keys row_dst, col_src and weights,

  • an xarray Dataset with data variables col, row and S,

  • or a path to a netCDF file created by ESMF.

If None, compute the weights.

ignore_degeneratebool, optional

If False (default), raise error if grids contain degenerated cells (i.e. triangles or lines, instead of quadrilaterals)

unmapped_to_nan: boolean, optional

Set values of unmapped points to np.nan instead of zero (ESMF default). This is useful for target cells lying outside of the source domain when no output mask is defined. If an output mask is defined, or regridding method is nearest_s2d or nearest_d2s, this option has no effect.

regridderxESMF regridder object
__call__(indata, keep_attrs=False, skipna=False, na_thres=1.0, output_chunks=None)

Apply regridding to input data.

indatanumpy array, dask array, xarray DataArray or Dataset.

If not an xarray object or if input_dìms was not given in the init, the rightmost two dimensions must be the same as ds_in. Can have arbitrary additional dimensions.

Examples of valid shapes

  • (n_lat, n_lon), if ds_in has shape (n_lat, n_lon)

  • (n_time, n_lev, n_y, n_x), if ds_in has shape (Ny, n_x)

Either give input_dims or transpose your input data if the horizontal dimensions are not the rightmost two dimensions

Variables without the regridded dimensions are silently skipped when passing a Dataset.

keep_attrsbool, optional

Keep attributes for xarray DataArrays or Datasets. Defaults to False.

skipna: bool, optional

Whether to skip missing values when regridding. When set to False, an output value is masked when a single input value is missing and no grid mask is provided. When set to True, missing values do not contaminate the regridding since only valid values are taken into account. In this case, a given output point is set to NaN only if the ratio of missing values exceeds the level set by na_thres: for instance, when the center of a cell is computed linearly from its four corners, one of which is missing, the output value is set to NaN if na_thres is smaller than 0.25.

na_thres: float, optional

A value within the [0., 1.] interval that defines the maximum ratio of missing grid points involved in the regrdding over which the output value is set to NaN. For instance, if na_thres is set to 0, the output value is NaN if a single NaN is found in the input values that are used to compute the output value; similarly, if na_thres is set to 1, all input values must be missing to mask the output value.

output_chunks: dict or tuple, optional

The desired chunks to have on the output along the spatial axes, if indata is a dask array. Other non-spatial axes inherit the same chunks as indata. Default behavior depends on the chunking of indata. If it is not chunked along the spatial dimension, the output will also not be chunked, equivalent to passing output_chunks=(-1, -1). If it is chunked, the output will preserve the chunk sizes, equivalent to passing output_chunks=ìndata.chunks. Chunks have to be specified for all spatial dimensions of the output data otherwise regridding will fail. output_chunks can either be a tuple the same size as the spatial axes of outdata or it can be a dict with defined dims. If output_chunks is a dict, the keys must match the dims of the output grid passed when initializing this Regridder.

outdataData type is the same as input data type, except for datasets.

On the same horizontal grid as ds_out, with extra dims in dr_in.

Assuming ds_out has the shape of (n_y_out, n_x_out), examples of returning shapes are

  • (n_y_out, n_x_out), if dr_in is 2D

  • (n_time, n_lev, n_y_out, n_x_out), if dr_in has shape (n_time, n_lev, n_y, n_x)

Datasets with dask-backed variables will have modified dtypes. If all input variables are ‘float32’, all output will be ‘float32’, for any other case, all outputs will be ‘float64’.

regrid_array(indata, weights, skipna=False, na_thres=1.0, output_chunks=None)

See __call__().

regrid_dataarray(dr_in, keep_attrs=False, skipna=False, na_thres=1.0, output_chunks=None)

See __call__().

regrid_dataset(ds_in, keep_attrs=False, skipna=False, na_thres=1.0, output_chunks=None)

See __call__().


Save weights to disk as a netCDF file.

property w: xarray.DataArray

Return weights as a 4D DataArray with dimensions (y_out, x_out, y_in, x_in).

ESMF stores the weights in a 2D array with dimensions (out_dim, in_dim), the size of the output and input grids respectively (ny x nx). This property returns the weights reshaped as a 4D array to simplify comparisons with the original grids.

class xesmf.frontend.SpatialAverager(ds_in, polys, ignore_holes=False, periodic=False, filename=None, reuse_weights=False, weights=None, ignore_degenerate=False, geom_dim_name='geom')
__init__(ds_in, polys, ignore_holes=False, periodic=False, filename=None, reuse_weights=False, weights=None, ignore_degenerate=False, geom_dim_name='geom')

Compute the exact average of a gridded array over a geometry.

This uses the ESMF conservative regridding method to compute and apply weights mapping a 2D field unto geometries defined by polygons. The conservative method preserves the areal average of the input field. That is, the value at each output grid cell is the average input value over the output grid area. Here, the output grid cells are not rectangles defined by four corners, but polygons defined by multiple vertices (ESMF.Mesh objects). The regridding weights thus compute the areal-average of the input grid over each polygon.

For multi-parts geometries (shapely.MultiPolygon), weights are computed for each geometry, then added, to compute the average over all geometries.

When polygons include holes, the weights over the holes can either be substracted, or ignored.

ds_inxr.DataArray or xr.Dataset or dictionary

Contain input and output grid coordinates. Look for variables lon, lat, lon_b and lat_b.

Optionally looks for mask, in which case the ESMF convention is used, where masked values are identified by 0, and non-masked values by 1.

Shape can be 1D (n_lon,) and (n_lat,) for rectilinear grids, or 2D (n_y, n_x) for general curvilinear grids. Shape of bounds should be (n+1,) or (n_y+1, n_x+1). DataArrays are converted to Datasets.

polyssequence of shapely Polygons and MultiPolygons

Sequence of polygons (lon, lat) over which to average ds_in.


Whether to ignore holes in polygons. Default (True) is to subtract the weight of holes from the weight of the polygon.

filenamestr, optional

Name for the weight file. The default naming scheme is:



reuse_weightsbool, optional

Whether to read existing weight file to save computing time. False by default (i.e. re-compute, not reuse).

weightsNone, coo_matrix, dict, str, Dataset, Path,
Regridding weights, stored as
  • a scipy.sparse COO matrix,

  • a dictionary with keys row_dst, col_src and weights,

  • an xarray Dataset with data variables col, row and S,

  • or a path to a netCDF file created by ESMF.

If None, compute the weights.

ignore_degeneratebool, optional

If False (default), raise error if grids contain degenerated cells (i.e. triangles or lines, instead of quadrilaterals)


Name of dimension along which averages for each polygon are stored.


Average over polygons along geom_dim_name dimension. The lon and lat coordinates are the polygon centroid coordinates.


This approach is inspired by OCGIS.

property w: xarray.DataArray

Return weights as a 3D DataArray with dimensions (geom, y_in, x_in).

ESMF stores the weights in a 2D array with dimensions (out_dim, in_dim), the size of the output and input grids respectively (ny x nx). This property returns the weights reshaped as a 3D array to simplify comparisons with the original grids.


xesmf.util.grid_2d(lon0_b, lon1_b, d_lon, lat0_b, lat1_b, d_lat)

2D rectilinear grid centers and bounds

lon0_b, lon1_bfloat

Longitude bounds


Longitude step size, i.e. grid resolution

lat0_b, lat1_bfloat

Latitude bounds


Latitude step size, i.e. grid resolution

dsxarray DataSet with coordinate values
xesmf.util.cf_grid_2d(lon0_b, lon1_b, d_lon, lat0_b, lat1_b, d_lat)

CF compliant 2D rectilinear grid centers and bounds.

lon0_b, lon1_bfloat

Longitude bounds


Longitude step size, i.e. grid resolution

lat0_b, lat1_bfloat

Latitude bounds


Latitude step size, i.e. grid resolution

dsxarray.DataSet with coordinate values
xesmf.util.grid_global(d_lon, d_lat, cf=False, lon1=180)

Global 2D rectilinear grid centers and bounds


Longitude step size, i.e. grid resolution


Latitude step size, i.e. grid resolution


Return a CF compliant grid.

lon1{180, 360}

Right longitude bound. According to which convention is used longitudes will vary from -180 to 180 or from 0 to 360.

dsxarray DataSet with coordinate values

Split the exterior boundaries and the holes for a list of polygons.

If MultiPolygons are encountered in the list, they are flattened out in their constituents.

polysSequence of shapely Polygons or MultiPolygons
exteriorslist of Polygons

The polygons without any holes

holeslist of Polygons

Holes of the polygons as polygons

i_extlist of integers

The index in polys of each polygon in exteriors.

i_hollist of integers

The index in polys of the owner of each hole in holes.

xesmf.util.simple_tripolar_grid(nlons, nlats, lat_cap=60, lon_cut=-300)

Generate a simple tripolar grid, regular under lat_cap.

nlons: int

Number of longitude points.

nlats: int

Number of latitude points.

lat_cap: float

Latitude of the northern cap.

lon_cut: float

Longitude of the periodic boundary.


Standard test data for regridding benchmark., lat)

Spherical harmonic with low frequency.

lon, lat2D numpy array or xarray DataArray

Longitute/Latitude of cell centers

f2D numpy array or xarray DataArray depending on input

2D wave field


Equation from [1] [2]:

\[\begin{split}Y_2^2 = 2 + \cos^2(\\theta) \cos(2 \phi)\end{split}\]



Jones, P. W. (1999). First-and second-order conservative remapping schemes for grids in spherical coordinates. Monthly Weather Review, 127(9), 2204-2210.


Ullrich, P. A., Lauritzen, P. H., & Jablonowski, C. (2009). Geometrically exact conservative remapping (GECoRe): regular latitude–longitude and cubed-sphere grids. Monthly Weather Review, 137(6), 1721-1741.